New gardening event in Fargo is a golden learning opportunity – InForum

New gardening event in Fargo is a golden learning opportunity – InForum

FARGO — I’ve noticed a common trait among those who are passionate about their lawns, landscapes, gardens and houseplants. Not only do they enjoy what they’re doing, but they’re driven to learn more, and a golden learning opportunity is right around the corner.

A new all-day gardening event, called GardenPalooza, is coming to Fargo. Presented by North Dakota State University Extension-Cass County, the day offers something for everyone, with programs in vegetable gardening, fruit growing, lawn care, houseplants, flower gardening, trees and more.

GardenPalooza will start at 8 a.m. Saturday, April 23, and continue to 3:30 p.m. at Shanley High School, and online registration is now open.

The day will kick off with keynote speaker Mike Heger presenting “Best Performing Perennials for Cold Climates.” Heger operates Ambergate Horticultural Consulting, Waconia, Minn., and co-authored the book “Growing Perennials in Cold Climates.”


Mike Heger will be the keynote speaker at GardenPalooza.

Contributed / NDSU Extension-Cass County

He operated a retail perennial nursery for 28 years, has authored numerous articles in gardening publications, is a regular speaker at horticultural events and has received distinguished service and communication awards from state and national organizations.

Next, attendees at GardenPalooza can select from 20 breakout sessions.

Morning sessions include “All About Houseplants“ with Esther McGinnis, “Vegetable Gardening Tips for Beginning Plant Enthusiasts“ with Carrie Knutson, “Growing Roses for the Home Garden” with Randy Nelson, “Favorite Annual Flowers from NDSU’s Display Garden” with Barb Laschkewitsch, “How to have a Healthier Lawn” with Alan Zuk, “How to Plant and Water New Trees and Shrubs” with Joe Zeleznik, “Favorite Landscaping Tips” with Adam Volz, “Exploring Herbs” with Julie Garden-Robinson, “Tomato Planting, Pruning and Seed Saving” with Jack Wood and Dan Goehring, and “New and Underused Perennials” with Julie Schroer and Jodie Ramsay.

Potted herbs

Potted herbs.

Forum file photo

Following a delicious lunch served in a galvanized flower bucket, afternoon breakout sessions include “Turn any Patio or Balcony into a Flower or Vegetable Garden” with Don Kinzler, “The Joys of Butterfly Gardening” with Janet Knodel, “Home Canning Facts and Myths” with Rita Ussatis, “Growing Fruit in Your Own Backyard” with Charles Elhard, “New NDSU Trees and Shrubs” with Todd West, “Growing Blackberries, Purple and Black Raspberries” with Harlene Hatterman-Valenti, “Growing Together Community Gardens” with Jack Wood, “Discover Adaptable Dahlias,” with Dan Goehring, “Learn the Square Food Gardening Technique” with Brian Fuder, and “Houseplant Repotting Demonstration” with Audrey Gilbraith.

Heger’s capstone program, “The Art of Perennial Combinations,” will complete the day, followed by door prizes. Displays from local lawn and garden vendors can be viewed throughout the day.

Programs are tailored to gardeners of all levels, beginning and experienced alike.

Canada Blooms rose, as pictured, flowers repeatedly throughout summer, even after a light fall frost. David Samson / The Forum

Canada Blooms roses flower repeatedly throughout summer, even after a light fall frost.

Forum file photo

GardenPalooza is open to the public, with preregistration required online

. The cost is $40 per person for the day, which includes lunch, keynote and capstone speakers, and choices of breakout sessions. Space is limited to 200 registrants on a first-come, first-served basis.

For more information, see GardenPalooza’s Facebook Page at

or call NDSU Extension-Cass County at 701-241-5700.

What: GardenPalooza
When: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. April 23
Where: Shanley High School, 5600 25th St. S., Fargo
Cost: $40 per person, includes lunch; online registration is required

Don Kinzler, a lifelong gardener, is the horticulturist with North Dakota State University Extension for Cass County. Readers can reach him at [email protected].

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